Discover the excellence of

Landmark Training & Consultancy Services

What Do We Do?

Health & Safety Consultation

We provide the right level of consultation for your business. Ranging from simple advice only services, to the development of full health and safety managment systems we provide bespoke services that meet your needs and assure you and your business the best possible protection.


With a wide range of industry contacts and our own in house training courses we can provide training for any course that you need. From first aid training specifically designed for your industry, to fire warden training, to construction managment training, we can deliver courses that support you, your business and your staff to ensure that they are competent in every saspect of their work.

Not Your Typical Health and Safety Consultancy

Our approach to health and safety consultancy and training is new and refreshing. We have done away with the twead suit and clipboard and work with you to ensure that Health and Safety works for you, not the other way around.

our commitment

At Landmark Training & Consultancy Services, we pride ourselves on delivering exemplary Health and Safety consultancy and training services, tailored to meet the specific needs of your business.

We commit to providing you with the best service possible, ensuring you and your business the best protection.

Work Examples

Here we give you some examples of work we have completed, clients we have worked with, and the types of things we do.

Providing a bespoke service means that we can’t list every way we help our clients, but we hope that these examples go some way to helping demonstrate our first class approach to business support.

  • We have worked with clients who have had contact from the HSE with looming threat of enforcement action. Acting either under our advice, or allowing us to communicate with the HSE on their behalf, we have worked with the Client and the HSE to protect the client against enforcement action, saving thousands of pounds worth of fines, and preventing delays to working activity.

  • We have worked with clients to produce Health and Safety Management Systems to protect the business, it's directors, its assets and its employees. This has included development of documents, policy and process, delivery of bespoke training and coordinating thorough reviews to get the best possible outcome for the client.

  • We have a proven track record of being able to work with workers at all levels of an organisation from board level directors, to staff on the front line of business operations. We have had feedback praising our approach and aim to help everyone throughout your business either directly, or indirectly.

  • We are proud with the services that we provide. Safety Coaching came from one of our clients who described our advice service as more coaching than just out of the packet advice.

    We try to explain why we give the advice we do meaning that you learn along with us, further developing yourself along with your businesses compliance and protection.

  • We cut our teeth in the construction industry which remains our largest client base, but we can quote for and support any industry. We have clients in construction, education, manufacturing, ecology and even professional wrestling.

  • We work with our cleints to ensure that we provide advice that is reasonable and supports your business activity, we don't want to provide obstacles or increase your cost unnecesarrily.

    One example of this is a client who works in central London. With no room to locate a toilet on the project, we had to try to meet compliance a different way. Our team of Health and Safety expoerts found an HSE guidnace leaflet stating that public toilets, if sited a reasomable distance from site and open, can be used instead. This helped our client meet compliance at a grand cost of £0.00!

Get in Touch

We welcome you to drop us a message using this form - we will get in touch with you to discuss your needs and provide you with a completely bespoke quotation designed to meet your every need and exceed your every expectation.

All quotes are completely commitment free so you really do have nothing to lose!